The Best of Political Satire: Making Fun of Power with a Smile

1. Why did the scarecrow become a politician?
   Because he was outstanding in his field… of lies!

2. Why don’t politicians ever play hide and seek?
    Because good luck finding one that keeps their promises!

3. How many politicians does it take to change a lightbulb?
   None, they’re too busy trying to screw in the taxpayers!

4. Why did the politician go to art school? Because he heard they teach you how to draw the line… especially             when it comes to ethics!

5. Why did the politician bring a ladder to the election?
    Because he heard the polls were looking up!

6. Why don’t politicians ever make good archaeologists?
    Because they’re always burying the truth!

7. Why did the politician sit on the clock during the debate?
    Because he wanted to be in two places at once!

8. Why did the politician go to the pet store?
    Because he heard they had a great selection of weasels for hire!

9. Why don’t politicians ever make good chefs?
    Because they always try to cook the books before the meal!

10. Why did the politician bring a mirror to the rally?
     Because he wanted to see who he could blame for everything!