Super World Best 10 Funny Political jokes

1. Why did the politician take up archery?
   Because they wanted to practice shooting themselves in the foot during press conferences!

2. Why did the politician become a weather forecaster?
    Because they realized predicting the weather is just as accurate as predicting their campaign promises!

3. Why did the politician start a band?
    Because they wanted to learn how to play both sides of the aisle and sing the same old tune!

4. Why did the politician become a chef?
    Because they wanted to learn the recipe for cooking up scandals and avoiding accountability!

5. Why did the politician become a carpenter?
    Because they wanted to build bridges, but they always ended up burning them instead!

6. Why did the politician join a dance troupe?
    Because they wanted to perfect their skill of dancing around tough questions!

7. Why did the politician become a lifeguard?
    Because they wanted to rescue their sinking approval ratings!

8. Why did the politician become a stand-up comedian?
    Because they realized their political career was already a joke!

9. Why did the politician take up painting?
    Because they wanted to master the art of covering up their mistakes with a fresh coat of paint!

10. Why did the politician become a baker?
     Because they wanted to specialize in serving up humble pie to their opponents!